Documenta fifteen

Jun 18, 2022 - Sep 25, 2022. Due to anti-Semitic resentments inside the curatorial body of Documenta, Talberg Museum's application to participate was not deemed worthy of consideration.

Nevertheless - in the same time frame - Talberg Museum staged "A Neo-Fluxus walk down Wall Street", featuring Talberg's new Neo-Fluxus Designs (NFDs).

Credits: Sound: M. Lehmann. Video / lyrics / voice-over R. Talberg.

Aurel Bacs

Aurel Bacs is one of the most renowned star auctioneers at Phillips, the world's most dynamic and forward-thinking auction house. Bacs wields the gavel in countless auctions across the globe. Alongside his role with Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo, Bacs has raised over CHF 50 Million for countless Non-profits worldwide.

It is his & Talberg's honor to support the International Foundation at Geneva, auctioning a Neo-Fluxus relief created by Talberg.

La vente aux enchères à Genève en faveur de la Fondation a été un grand succès, grâce au commissaire-priseur vedette Aurel Bacs de Phillips, Londres.

Ruben Talberg expose pour la première fois à l’âge de 22 ans. Plus de 30 ans plus tard, il a non seulement survecu au jeu de l'art, mais il est plus demandé que jamais.

Son Neo-Fluxus est limité à 888 manifolds originaux et protégé par des droits de propriété intellectuelle américains. Il est l’un des artistes les plus importants de sa génération et son œuvre est présente dans quelque 200 collections d’art privées et publiques. La liste de ses collectionneurs se lit comme un Who’s Who du monde de l’art, avec des célébrités comme Amy Winehouse, Keanu Reeves, Yves Saint Laurent, Karl Lagerfeld et bien d’autres encore.

Les sculptures et reliefs de Talberg ont été présentées dans plus de 100 expositions internationales à ce jour. En 2011, il inaugurait Talberg Museum « le musée du sculpteur juif le plus visionnaire d’Europe ». Les idées centrales proviennent d'Héraclite "pantha rhei - tout coule" et de TAO, la philosophie du flux, qui s'appliquent également à ses Manifolds.

“This is the intuitive perception of Heraclitus, there is no thing of which we may say, "it is." He rejects Being. He knows only Becoming, the flowing (manifolds). He considers belief in something persistent as error and foolishness. To this he adds this thought: that which becomes is one thing in eternal transformation, and the law of this eternal transformation, the Logos in all things, is precisely this One: fire.”

— F. Nietzsche

A Jiddisher Mentsh

Talberg, ranking amongst the top 10 Jewish sculptors worldwide, shows his Neo-Fluxus manifolds in permanent exhibitions @ Talberg Museum.Sponsored by “Jewish Life in Germany” and the “German Ministry of Interior and Homeland, Berlin.”

Picasso: Master of Cubism | Talberg: Master of Neo-Fluxus, but still friends.

Offenbach Post, 12.02.22

Sculptural Xtasy: Talberg’s Neo-Fluxus - Irresistible & Fascinating

Jane’s Magazine, 07.02.22

Fragment | Mensa D

10y Talberg Museum / 30y Talberg as Mensan / 1700y Jewish Life in Germany

Jan / Feb 2022, p. 10, 11

Talberg on WikiArt

Talberg’s Neo-Fluxus Manifolds

Chabad & Talberg

Greeting by Rav Menachem Mendel Gurewitz

10 yr Talberg Museum | 1700 yr Jewish Life in Germany

First of all I would like to congratulate Ruben Talberg for his extraordinary artistic achievements as a sculptor of international standing. Talberg Museum is Europe’s most visionary Jewish Sculptor Museum.

According to art theory Talberg founded Neo-Fluxus, which is based on his manifesto 1995. The core ideas originate in Heraclitus “pantha rhei - everything flows” and TAO, the philosophy of flux, which also holds true for his Manifolds.

This year Talberg Museum celebrates its 10th anniversary and is official partner of the grand festival “1700 years of Jewish Life in Germany, under the auspices of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the president of Germany.

Offenbach as the current location of Talberg Museum may seem at first glance unusual, but it has a long history of Jewish life, notably Salomon Formstecher, Max Dienemann and Dr. Siegfried Guggenheim, art collector who survived the holocaust.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, one of the most eminent and influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century said, that divinely gifted sculptors have the privilege of being able to convert inanimate materials such as stone, wood or clay into breathing living forms ...

10 yr Talberg Museum

Greeting by Dr. Felix Schwenke

Offenbach as a location for art and culture profits strongly from its vividness and diversity. It goes without saying that projects and institutions that are characterized by a distinct ambition, passion and quality could make or break the charisma of this extraordinary city.

A very distinguished institution that withstood the tests of time, is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2021: Talberg Museum is as an extremely sophisticated art venture as well as a Jewish place.

Very appropriate and desirable that Talberg Museum is official partner of this year’s grand festival “1700 years of Jewish life in Germany”, under the auspices of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, president of Germany.

As if the artist had already planned this big coincidence of dates ten years in advance. Of course that was not the case - Talberg ingeniously created an art space for his Manifolds at the right moment.

The building itself is one of the many smaller old factory sets in the backyards of old Offenbach. Talberg transformed it into a gem and at the same time upgraded the backyard location into an oasis of art. Not for nothing, Talberg Museum is Europe’s most visionary Jewish sculptor museum.

Talberg truly created a unique art refuge that should continually be experienced here, even though his Manifolds are predominantly in a transitory status - more than 200 art collectors worldwide now own one or more of his Manifolds. Manifolds are reliefs or sculptures that Talberg developed from a vision in Belaggio, Italy in the 1990s. He intents to create a grand total of 888 Manifolds - his lucky number ...

10y Talberg Museum

With around 16,000 members, Mensa is the largest network for gifted people in Germany. Talent opens up opportunities. Mensa International connects the brightest minds worldwide and supports them to unfold their potentials.

Mensa Magazine, Germany No. 145, p.7

10yr Talberg Museum | 1700yr of Jewish Life in Germany

Talberg Museum celebrates its 10th anniversary. And we celebrate 1,700 years of Jewish life in Germany, from 321 to this year. Mazal tov!

Frizz Magazine, 12.21

Reliefs and Sculptures of great Radiance

Frizz Magazine, 11.21

One Decade of Independence as Sculptor

Talberg’s Artist Museum now exists for 10 years. Art museums are usually places where works of artists who have died, are exhibited. Places of conversation, seriousness …

Frankfurter Rundschau, Rhein-Main, 15.10.21

Artist Museum celebrates 10y Jubilee.

Frankfurter Rundschau, 14.10.21

Talberg Museum

Streetsign, Bronx, Frankfurt/M

Talberg Museum

10yr Talberg Museum

Memorial plaque in honor of benefactors.

Talberg Museum

Show was canceled. Catalogue published.

Talberg Museum

Countless individuals & groups from all over the world visit Talberg Museum.

Karl Lagerfeld

“J’adore les Neo-Fluxus oeuvres de Talberg.”

Documenta 14

Apr 8, 2017 - Sep 17, 2017.  Talberg Museum is unofficial site of Documenta 14. It shows Talberg's new Neo-Fluxus Designs (NFDs). 

German Television - 3sat (ARD/ZDF)

ZDF/3sat produced a documentary about Talberg which was initially broadcasted on August 24th, 2016 (Talberg’s birthday). With Vladimir Kaminer. Media coverage in Germany, Austria and Switzerland cumulatively reached more than two million viewers / press readers in the first year. Reruns every year.

V. Kaminer: "When I visited Talberg Museum, Talberg's manifolds took hold of me like some magic spell. Basic materials morph into transcendental panoramas, called Neo-Fluxus. Assuming that in about 1.000 years alien archeologists land on our planet to excavate our cultural treasures they will surely recognize Talberg's manifolds as the most mysterious climax of human civilization. What do flow, DAO and Neo-Fluxus have in common? The aliens will certainly break their heads over it - provided they still have one.

Talberg Museum

Retrospective 2006 - 2016

Offenbach Post, 24.05.2016

Talberg Museum

Retrospective 2006 - 2016

Frizz Magazine, 03/2016

Rotary International

Talberg receives token in memory of his successful past Rotary presidency, being a “gift to the world.”

Rotary @ Talberg Museum

Offenbach Post, 08/2015

Poetry @ Talberg Museum

Offenbach Post, 08/2015

Talberg Museum: Single Artist Museum (SAM)

Frizz Magazine, 08/2015

Talberg Museum

12.06. - 14.06.2015

“Two Jews in Germany” @ Talberg Museum

FAZ /, 12.06.2014

Weinberg & Talberg @ Talberg Museum

Max Weinberg (l.), Mark Dainow, R. T.

Frizz Magazine, 05/2014

Talberg Museum: Max Weinberg & Ruben Talberg

Offenbach Post /, 29.04.2014

Talworks @ Talberg Museum

Prime Magazine, 01/2014

Keanu Reeves

“I first met Ruben at Art Basel Miami Beach. I like his art. Powerful!”

Talberg Museum

26.04. - 28.04.2013

Talberg Museum

“Basquiat meets Talberg”

Offenbach Post, 08/2012

Talberg reads Paul Celan’s “Todesfuge”

Video / voice-over by R. Talberg. Audio design by M. Lehmann.

Talberg Museum: Documenta (13)

(Un)official site @ Documenta (13), 09.07. - 16.09.2012

Poetry Slam @ Talberg Museum

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 17.11.2011

Talberg Museum: “When Lead turns into Gold”

Offenbach Post, 10/2011

Steven Spielberg

“I met Ruben in Frankfurt, Germany. His name is well-known in Hollywood where I was honored with the “Thalberg Memorial Award” by the Oscar Academy (1987). Talberg: Big name - big artist!”

Talberg - The Founder of Neo-Fluxus

Rotary Magazine, 07/2011

Talberg Museum: ”Effective Vanity”

Offenbach Post /, 16.06.2011

Talberg Museum: “Voice for Jewish Artists”

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 08.6.2011

Talberg Museum: ““Factory becomes Museum”

Offenbach Post /, 11.05.2011

Talberg Museum’s Grand Opening

Frizz Magazine 07/2011

“Talberg’s Art will survive”

FAZ /, 24.05.2011

B’nai B’rith International

Talberg receives “Golden Brush” by friends of B’nai B’rith International.

Talberg Museum

13.05. - 15.05.2011

Mina Tanders: “Amazing Art!”

The actress played in the movie “Nina sieht es” (ARD) where Talberg’s Neo-Fluxus sculptures appeared.

Talberg launches AIDS Art Auction.

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 10.7.2010

Talberg's Holocaust Memorial

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 15.04.2010

Talberg's Jacob's Ladder

Interview, Frankfurter Rundschau /, 15.04.2010

"Artist with Sense of Mission"

Offenbach Post /, 02.04.2010

Talberg's Art reminds of Nazi Times

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 23.03.2010

Talberg: Durchkämmung

Offenbach Post, 22.03.2010

Talberg's Neo-Fluxus Memorial

Offenbach Post /, 04.03.2010

David Duchovny: " I like Ruben's Neo-Fluxus. Exciting!"

Talberg's Jacob's Ladder against Amnesia

FAZ /, 27.01.2010

Talberg sets Cultural Mark

Offenbach Post, 16.01.2010

Political Party (SPD) wants Talberg Memorial

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 16.01.2010

Good Reasons's for Talberg Memorial

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 09.01.2010

Talberg intends to build Stairway to Heaven

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 08.01.2010

Art Invest Short Portrait of Neo-Fluxus founder R. Talberg

Talberg's Memorial creates Political Debates

Offenbach Post, 31.12.2009

Talberg's Memorial - A Token of Remembrance

Offenbach Post /, 29.12.2009

Talberg floats Neo-Fluxus Design of Memorial

Offenbach Post, p.1, 29.12.2009

Talberg collecting Money for Hospice "Fanny de la Roche"

Offenbach Post, 21.12.2009

Talberg: Kunstansichten

19.09. - 20.09.2009

13th Shanghai Art Fair

Sept. 9 - 13, 2009. Over 120 galleries from China and overseas show contemporary artworks, including some works by R. Talberg.

Talberg - Magier des Neo-Fluxus

Offenbach Post /, 22.08.2009

Documensa I + II

Talberg, Mensa member since 1992, was invited to participate in these first contemporary art exhibitions, organized by Mensa in Deutschland (MinD).

Tuscany in Frankfurt / Bronx

Offenbach Post, 08/2009

Talberg invites Women's Network

Offenbach Post, 27.07.2009

Yoram Ben Zeev

His Excellency Israeli Ambassador to Germany, addresses the public:

"Ruben Talberg is known to be an outstanding Israeli artist - and a dedicated Zionist. As founder of Neo-Fluxus, Talberg pursues his vision of creating 888 manifolds - according to the age-old alchemic dreams of transforming and purifying materials, finally converting them into gold.

We as Jews know that living in exile is more often than not a delicate act of balance. But I have no doubt in my mind that Talberg will succeed in his challenging quest ahead; that we may see him - the sooner the better - next year in Jerusalem!"

Talberg @ Jewish Museum Worms

Under the patronage of prime-minister Rheinland-Palatinate, Kurt Beck and his Excellency Israeli Ambassador to Germany, Yoram ben Zeev.

Exhibition: 18.05. - 27.07.2009

lRalph Herforth

"I played the lead character in "Weltenbauer"and Talberg's art was part of it. I love his Neo-Fluxus!"

Talberg shows Art of Psychiatry Foundation

Frankfurter Rundschau /, 17.10.2008

Talberg: Kunstansichten

20.09. - 21.09.2008

Talberg in Exile

FAZ /, 07.05.2008

Talberg's Finissage

FAZ /, 05.04.2008

Talberg's Neo-Fluxus beyond Jewish Cliché

Offenbachbach Post, 03.03.2008

Talberg to the power of 2

IHK-Magazine, 03/2008

Talberg shows in Jewish Community Center (JCC)

Offenbach Post, 03/2008

Talberg: Neo-Fluxus Sculptor

Respect Magazine, 03/2008

Talberg: 600 sqm dedicated to Art

Offenbach Post, 24.02.2008

Talberg: Israeli-German Sculptor

Offenbach Post, 15.01.2008

Talberg's Power & Magic

PT Magazine, 23.08.2007

Talberg: Documenta 12 - (Un)official Documenta Site

"Salon de Refusé": 16/06 - 23/09/2007.

“For Talberg creating his Neo-Fluxus reliefs & sculptures is like a riddle constantly readdressed but never solved - eternal work in progress. You can feel an implicit tension in his works between what he sees as the intrinsic conservatism of his traditional media and his own artistic vision. He employs a 12-step alchemic process which transfers the Prima Materia into Higher Beings." - S. Gambino, New York

Amy Whinehouse

"I just love Ruben's art!"

Talberg @ London Gallery

Jewish Telegraph, London, 23.03.2007

New York Artists Equity Association, Inc.

Talberg is a member of NYAEA.

Talberg: An Act of Liberation

FlightcrewInfo 04/2006, B. Smit, Cpt. A320

Dr. Jean-Christoph Ammann, Director Museum of Modern Art (MMK):

"After a careful review of your documentation, I can say without doubt that your artworks express a great intensity which is also authentic."

Dr. Ammann, Frankfurt, 15.11.1995


My Neo-Fluxus Manifolds express flow. Manifestations of the eternal return of life & energy. Creation of a radically different revolutionary Neo-Fluxus, beyond mainstream aesthetics. Disruption, resistance, subversion ...

Irving G. Thalberg: Family Business

The name Talberg is prominent in Hollywood. I.G. Thalberg was an American film producer during the early years of motion pictures. He was called the "The Boy Wonder" for his youth and his extraordinary ability to make very profitable films. The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, presented by the Oscar Academy, is also named for him.